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Cost Comparison of Cast Stone, Precast Concrete and Limestone

*The tables below contain mean average prices, taken from a survey we did in January 2003.

Typical Prices

Description Unit Cast Stone Precast Concrete Limestone
6" window/door molding Lin foot $18.90 $18.70 $55.00
12"dia column Lin foot $80.00 $79.00 $385.00
12"x12" quoins EA $55.00 $54.00 $140.00
6" Base molding Lin foot $15.00 $14.30 $44.00
10" Wallcap Lin foot $17.00 $16.50 $56.00
3 piece baluster system Lin foot $94.00 $90.00 $376.00
24" x 24" x 1-1/2" Paver Square foot $10.00 $8.50 $16.50

If you purchase precast concrete product and want it to look like real limestone or sandstone, you probably will have to pay a large up charge for us, or whoever you purchase it from, to treat the precast with sandblasting, chemicals or acid to try to simulate limestone.
However, if you purchase cast stone, it comes right out of the mold with a limestone finish.
We use white cement in all of our colors, the reason for this is, white cement produces a true brilliant color and does not gray down or "muddy" the colors, as does less expensive gray cement.
Most manufacturers charge extra for a colored product, then charge extra again for a white cement precast, then charge again for a simulated limestone texture, we offer all of this with white cement and 12 standard colors and natural limestone texture for no extra cost.

So if you are comparing prices and are not painting the product, ask the manufacturer:

  1. Does the price include color
  2. If it is colored, is the product made with white cement, or less expensive gray concrete cement.
  3. Does the price include a natural stone/limestone textured finish or is a textured finish extra.

After viewing our catalog pages, choose the products you would like a quote for, fill out our quote request form, and we will fax you a quote in 3-5 days after we receive your request.


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PO Box 552, Somis, CA 93066   (805) 386-8185 Fax: (805) 386-3002